
Color Transform

Transform the colors of entire web pages or selected elements. Combine predefined themes with basic transforms. Save transforms for specific web domains.

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6 felhasználó

Menu Wizard Újraindítást igényel

Customize menus : Helps removing, moving and renaming menus and menu items
Colorize important menu for ease of use! (use Style (CSS))
Change or disable any of used keyboard shortcuts
Support: Firefox, Thunderbird and SeaMonkey

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337 felhasználó

Expression Search / GMailUI Újraindítást igényel

Powerful message searching through expressions. Type "from:fred to:tom" to see all messages from Fred to Tom in the current view. Support 'regular expressions' and 'click to search'.

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242 felhasználó


This Extension implements the ManageSieve protocol for securely managing Sieve Script on a remote IMAP server...

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631 felhasználó

No Resource URI Leak

Deny resource:// access to Web content: We fill the hole to defend against fingerprinting. Very important to Firefox privacy. A direct workaround for

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14 felhasználó

Thunderbird Message Filter Import/Export Enhanced Újraindítást igényel

Thunderbird Message Filter Import/Export Enhanced is a compatibility port of Wind Li's add on.
Original add on here:

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125 felhasználó

Silent Block

Minimum and fast URL blocker.

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97 felhasználó

SoundPlus Újraindítást igényel

SoundPlus customizes the sound that is played when a new message arrives for a particular contact in the address book, similar to mobile phones. There is also a variation that is played when a message arrives and it is a continuation of a thread.

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7 felhasználó

Perfect View

Image viewer with smooth dynamic zoom, pan and rotate. View slide shows of images or files and capture page elements and tab content. Apply image filters. Save images in various formats.

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14 felhasználó

Auto Filter Timer Újraindítást igényel

Run existing message filters on any folder at a specified interval. Simply right-click the desired folder then choose from the [AUTOFILT] menu items. This is a hack/clean-up of another coder's work, but works perfectly. Use at your own risk

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18 felhasználó

EuropeanMX Spam Reporter

Train your EuropeanMX filter by reporting unrecognized spam back to us.

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238 felhasználó

Filter Button

Allows to add a button to the message header view toolbar that shows all filters that match the selected message, including manual and disabled filters. A click on the button allows to select a filter to run.

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825 felhasználó


MailHops maps the route an email took to get to you. Displaying the senders location, weather, user-agent and authentication used.

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2 468 felhasználó

ToneQuilla Újraindítást igényel

Adds a new action to mail filters to allow playing a particular sound when the filter matches. Also includes several sample sound files.

For Thunderbird 78 support of sounds, please check out Filtaquilla 3.1

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255 felhasználó


Avec MyAdFilter, les créateurs de contenus gratuits vous proposent une seule publicité par page. Sinon, bloque toute les pubs.

Még nem osztályozott
4 felhasználó

Protected E-mail Addresses Újraindítást igényel

Generates protected and disposable e-mail addresses and filters junk mail sent to invalid addresses.

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0 felhasználó

ThunderBayes Újraindítást igényel

SpamBayes integration for Thunderbird - a better spam filter.

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0 felhasználó


Adds personal filters to quickfilter toolbar

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1 felhasználó

Search for Sender Újraindítást igényel

Adds two items to the threadpane context menu, 'Search for this sender' and 'Search for this subject'. This basically takes the sender or subject of the selected message, copies it to the QuickSearch window and starts the search.

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24 felhasználó

AntiLostFilter Újraindítást igényel

Фильтр для конференций AUTO.RU

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1 felhasználó