
Search Results Sort By Date Not Relevance Újraindítást igényel

Makes search results sort by "date" instead of "relevance" by default.

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1 086 felhasználó

Search as list Újraindítást igényel

Search results appear as list (as per the "Open email as list" button).
- return to facet view with shift+close [x]
- auto open list view when few results found
- column config./sort/toggle [IMG3&4]
- apply columns to search as list menu [IMG5]

5 csillagra értékelve az 5-ből (77)
162 felhasználó

No Message Pane Sort

No Message Pane Sort prevents accidental resorting of the message pane by disabling mouse button clicks on the column headers, thus, locking the sorting order of your emails.

It is still possible to sort messages by ctrl-clicking the header.

5 csillagra értékelve az 5-ből (54)
4 039 felhasználó