
Search Results Sort By Date Not Relevance Újraindítást igényel

Makes search results sort by "date" instead of "relevance" by default.

5 csillagra értékelve az 5-ből (30)
1 016 felhasználó

Search as list Újraindítást igényel

Search results appear as list (as per the "Open email as list" button).
- return to facet view with shift+close [x]
- auto open list view when few results found
- column config./sort/toggle [IMG3&4]
- apply columns to search as list menu [IMG5]

5 csillagra értékelve az 5-ből (77)
144 felhasználó


Get things done and clean up your inbox! When you move an e-mail the first time, QuickArchiver remembers the destination folder and lets you move more e-mails with a single click. You can apply rules by sender, recipient, and subject.

4 csillagra értékelve az 5-ből (31)
1 076 felhasználó


Sort incoming mails into account folders based on the local part

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197 felhasználó