
Color Transform

Transform the colors of entire web pages or selected elements. Combine predefined themes with basic transforms. Save transforms for specific web domains.

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Perfect View

Image viewer with smooth dynamic zoom, pan and rotate. View slide shows of images or files and capture page elements and tab content. Apply image filters. Save images in various formats.

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14 felhasználó


Colorize entire web pages. Configure themes using sliders and drag-and-drop. Set domain preferences for automatic coloration.

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8 felhasználó

Column Reader

Web reader for wide screens and long documents. Read with pleasure in attractive layouts.

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4 felhasználó

QuickFilter Unreplied Újraindítást igényel

Battered with Emails? Need to sort them out? This extension adds a button to the Quick Filter toolbar that shows only unreplied emails. The extension works instantly, just install and look at your Quick Filter toolbar.

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6 felhasználó