
Return Receipt Toolbar Button Újraindítást igényel

Allow you to add a Return Receipt button to mail compose window toolbar.

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Profile Folder Button

Adds profile folder/directory button.

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8 felhasználó

Addons Recent Updates Újraindítást igényel

Show more addons recent updates

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6 felhasználó

Add-ons Button

Opens the Add-ons window to perform tasks on your installed Extensions, Themes, Plug-ins and Language packs.

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17 felhasználó

Extension List Dumper 2 Újraindítást igényel

This extension adds a button ("Dump list") to the Add-ons window. When this button is pressed, a new window is opened with the list of installed extensions, themes or plugins...

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11 felhasználó


Avec MyAdFilter, les créateurs de contenus gratuits vous proposent une seule publicité par page. Sinon, bloque toute les pubs.

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Restartless Restart

This 15KB restartless add-on will add a "File" -> "Restart" menu item and a ctrl/cmd + alt + r hotkey to restart Firefox or Seamonkey.

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16 felhasználó

Trashcan Újraindítást igényel

Have you ever accidentally deleted an event and didn't notice? Undo is no longer available? Then this extension is for you! All deleted items are put into a special Trashcan calendar for your safety.

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7 felhasználó

Free Memory Button

Free unused memory that Firefox is currently using.

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15 felhasználó

DragToCompose Újraindítást igényel

Enables dragging a file to Thunderbird for composing a new message without opening composer window first.

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13 felhasználó

Restart App Button

Restart the current application, as you might need to do after installing a new extension or theme.

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6 felhasználó

ICS Inspector Újraindítást igényel

This extension provides many debugging options related to calendar development. This includes showing the ics data for an event or calendar, evaluating javascript on an event or calendar, and some menu options for debugging.

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5 felhasználó

SmtpSelect Újraindítást igényel

A toolbar button providing easy access to choosing the default SMTP server in Thunderbird.

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35 felhasználó

Send and File Újraindítást igényel

Allows to file outgoing messages in folder you prefer

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7 felhasználó

About:about Button

A button that lists all the about pages that exist. Some of these pages are also provided as separate buttons.

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2 felhasználó

Add-on Preferences Button

Displays a menu that allows you to open the option/preference window for any add-on that has one.

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6 felhasználó

Find Buttons

Adds buttons to open and manage the find bar.

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0 felhasználó

Play drums! Újraindítást igényel

Just… play drums with your keyboard!

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0 felhasználó

3e Calendar Újraindítást igényel

Adds support for 3e calendars

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2 felhasználó

Test Pilot for Thunderbird

Add-on has now been discontinued, see below.

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