
SavedSearchThemAll Újraindítást igényel

A Thunderbird extension to automagically extend all the saved searches to all the foders!

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SearchWith Újraindítást igényel

Search selected text with various search services...

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Search for Sender Újraindítást igényel

Adds two items to the threadpane context menu, 'Search for this sender' and 'Search for this subject'. This basically takes the sender or subject of the selected message, copies it to the QuickSearch window and starts the search.

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Go Google

Open google instantly with this super fast add on.And its just < 10KB.!
No need to type google in your address bar anymore.Just try this awesome to open up google instantly.

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1 felhasználó

TipTopic Újraindítást igényel

While you're surfing your favorite pages/topics on the web TipTopic informs you on who else is browsing the same pages/topics and is interested in/ available for discussion. Enjoy live dialog with your favorite topic followers while surfing the web!

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