
ExQuilla for Exchange

Thunderbird email accounts connecting to Microsoft Exchange Web Services.

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4 799 felhasználó

Add contact to CC by mentioning in body with @

Use @ to mention somebody on an email to link and add to the CC.

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313 felhasználó

GrapeVine for Salesforce

Connects Thunderbird to

- Archive Emails from Thunderbird email accounts into Salesforce, automatically
- Synchronise Salesforce Contacts and Leads into Thunderbird's address book
- Create Contacts/Leads in Salesforce from emails

5 csillagra értékelve az 5-ből (1)
16 felhasználó

Birthday Calendar

Adds calendars containing the birthdays from your address books.

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4 460 felhasználó

Bagoly az Exchange számára

A Bagoly összeköti a Thunderbirdet az Exchange e-mail kiszolgálókkal

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44 297 felhasználó