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Useless for me, as it only removes images from the message you compose (it can be done manually easily), not from messages in the inbox.

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Great addon, does what it says on the tin and very helpful. But I would echo what was said by csongorhalmai, that it would be even better if it could be configured to strip images from reply automatically.

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The addon works like a charm, I love it.

I'd like to have one more feature, however. It would be awesome if I could configure it to strip images every time I start to Reply/Reply All an email. In that case, it would do the job without I should do it manually.

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What I really need is a way to delete images from existing received emails to save disk space. Doing it manually takes hours.

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Me too - I also need is a tool that strips inline images from stored messages. Suppose you manage to change the first "Content-Type: multipart/related;" declarative to "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;" then all inline images become "Attachments" which I then can "Detach" or "Delete". Yes, I can and have to do it occasionally using Notepad++. That simple edit changeing "related" to "mixed" by hand is a tedious procedure...

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Nice! However, only to strip images from messages being composed.
What I also need is a tool that strips inline images from stored messages.

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Very useful. I still have to make the habit of pressing Strip images when I compose my replies. Otherwise the pictures in the reply chain accumulate and often take several megabytes. One little issue, the button icon is invisible (black) in dark mode. I use DeepDark instead the dark theme, but I think the problem is the same.

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Well shoot! I absolutely LOVE this plugin. At first I was a bit whiney, but it really grew on me within a short time. I get emails from people all the time that clutter them with images throughout long chains. I enjoyed being able to hit reply, hit strip images, and then write my stuff and send (thus not expanding the size of my user profile with needed images). I do hope this gets re-written to work with TB 78+ :)

Ez az értékelés a kiegészítő előző verziójához készült (1.0.7).  A felhasználó már korábban értékelte ezt a kiegészítőt.

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Nice idea! But it appears only to strip images from messages being composed. That limits its ability to reduce mailbox size. (What I need is a tool that strips inline images from stored messages.)

Ez az értékelés a kiegészítő előző verziójához készült (1.0.7). 

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i couldn't find the button in the toobar, so i right clicked and added it ("strip images") and it worked perfectly. thanks! this was just what i was looking for (to be honest, this should be built into thunderbird by default!)

Ez az értékelés a kiegészítő előző verziójához készült (1.0.7). 

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This would be a very useful AddOn, but I cannot find the "strip" button.

Ez az értékelés a kiegészítő előző verziójához készült (1.0.7). 

Honestly...I would have preferred to add the button automatically. But I couldn't figure out how to do it in the amount of time available to me at that point.

To add the button you
- create a new mail
- in the compose window, right click a blank part of the toolbar and from the context menu select "Customize..."
- in the "Customize Toolbar" dialog that appears, find the "strip images" button and drag it to the toolbar