Send to xNode verziótörténete

6 verzió

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1.18.1-signed.1-signed verzió 14.6 KiB Működik Firefox 3.6 - 56.*, Thunderbird 5.0 - 31.*

Added OpenSSL chunk (CSRs, Certificates, Key) decoding.
Fixed special character related issues.

1.17.1-signed.1-signed verzió 13.8 KiB Működik Firefox 3.6 - 12.0a1, Thunderbird 5.0 - 12.0a1

Added support for the Text Crypt Generator and Link Resolver / Deobfuscator.

1.16.1-signed.1-signed verzió 12.2 KiB Működik Firefox 3.6 - 12.0a1, Thunderbird 5.0 - 12.0a1

- Fixed Thunderbird compatibility.
- Avoided cross browser issues.

1.15.1-signed.1-signed verzió 12.2 KiB Működik Firefox 3.6 - 12.0a1, Thunderbird 5.0 - 12.0a1

- Now uses a "Send to xNode..." sub-menu to allow for sending of content to different sections of the site, i.e. Domain Tools, Email Checker, SSL Validation, etc.

- Can now use text that has been selected inside a form input-box or text-area (not just content already in the page).

- Added icons for each category.

1.01.1-signed.1-signed verzió 7.0 KiB Működik Firefox 3.6 - 12.0a1, Thunderbird 5.0 - 12.0a1

Added Thunderbird support.
Repositioned context entry to more appropriate location.
Optimised icons.
More robust URL handling.

1.0.1-signed.1-signed verzió 6.9 KiB Működik Firefox 3.6 - 10.0a1