5 csillagra értékelve az 5-ből

I must commend this add-on developer, they are very conscientious and wish to do the best, even to the extent of making changes/improvements according to users requirements.

GREAT add on for Thunderbird!

Ez az értékelés a kiegészítő előző verziójához készült (3.9). 

Please, before you spend too much energy here, why not get it modified by filing a feature request or contacting me personally - http://quickfilters.mozdev.org/bugs.html
generally the one click solution for getting rid of Spam is clicking the Junk button, but I am open to add some modifications under your guidance - provided they are beneficial to the majority of quickFilters users. For now, you can remove at least 2 clicks by disabling Actions: "Display Filter List after Filter creation" and "Open Editor after Filter creation"