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Név 963SaturnRings
Ezóta tag dec. 8, 2015
Létrehozott kiegészítők száma 0 kiegészítő
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SeaMonkey Vertical Tab Bar

5 csillagra értékelve az 5-ből

This vertical tab add on is an excellent addition to the Sea Monkey collection of add ons. For a person who uses several dozens of tabs, on a daily basis, it eventually becomes a chore, to move from one tab to another one, when they are lined up in a horizontal fashion, as usual. Instead, a vertical tab add on allows the power user to scroll up and down quickly, and locate the tab he or she needs, much faster than when they are lined up horizontally. I say this, because when the pointer hovers over a tab, a large thumbnail of that web page appears next to the tab itself. This add on also allows deletion of tabs, using the mouse. So it helps the power user to efficiently remove clutter.