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I really love this add-on and use it a lot. But, it doesn't work properly with FF54+. Is there any chance this will be updated? Or is this add-on abandoned?

Sorry, I should have explained more accurately. Firefox falls back to single threaded when I use this add-on. When I disable this add-on, Firefox uses multiple threads and is fast again.

Ez az értékelés a kiegészítő előző verziójához készült (1.2.6). 

I tried it in FF54 and it worked correctly. Please export your Save Images settings, as well as the page address you are trying to save from and email them to me - [email protected] - with an explanation of exactly what isn't working.

5 csillagra értékelve az 5-ből

I use this app almost daily, but with FF21 it is now broken. The 'close tab after saving' function no longer works. I hope this can be fixed soon.

Ez az értékelés a kiegészítő előző verziójához készült (