Orthodox for SeaMonkey verziótörténete

3 verzió

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0.2 verzió 799.5 KiB Működik SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.54.*

Version 0.2 (for Seamonkey 2) 2022-06-07:

Seamonkey Mail didn't store a draft or quote a reply

0.1.3 verzió 796.9 KiB Működik SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.54.*

Orthodox 0.1.3-compat: compatibility with newer versions of SeaMonkey

0.1.1 verzió 796.2 KiB Működik SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.41

Version 0.1.1 (for SeaMonkey 2.*) 2013-09-10:

Grippies blue onmouseover
Toolbar text under icons blue
Home toolbar button has a tooltip with the link
Mozilla logo is animated while page is loading
Search button text always visible
Print button in Composer issue fixed
Home button in Bookmarks menu blur removed