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Név Ferryman
Ezóta tag jún. 19, 2008
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Diccionario de sinónimos ES

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…until it stopped working in FiFo v45.0.1. Any chance to have it working again? Thanks for such an useful addon.

Header Tools Lite

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This add-on is a must for me, absolutely fantastic, it helps to keep my mails organized.

Unfortunately, "Change header details" option does not work anymore in TB v31.4. "Edit full source" does, but it's a bit more dangerous if you only want to change mail subject.

Ez az értékelés a kiegészítő előző verziójához készült (0.5.2). 


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I've been holding back updating to v29 because of this extension: it won't work with FF v29.

I've tried what Didier suggested in other comments, to select another location to place it, but a JavaScript error don't allow that (Mac OSX Mountain Lion, FiFo v29.0.1)


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Great extension! Without it I would be still using TBv2.0.0.x and TB Reset Quote Header -it doesn't work with v.3.x-, so thanks a lot for it. But -there's always a 'but'- as greypillar says it does not work in all e-mails: sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. I've tried to find the reason -several quote/reply levels, different languages, etc.- to no avail: I've been unable to find a consistent reason, but, whatever the reason, it simply does not work in some cases, for no apparent reason.

I'm using TBv3.1.6 for Mac and SmartTemplate v0.6.0

TB Reset Quote Header Extension

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There is a new version v0.4.3, compatible with TB v2.0x., update on June 16th, 2008. Whatever the reason it has not been updated here. It now makes simpler the header substitution, since it doesn't need any filter text anymore. Also, it allows to define date format. It's available, among other places, here:




TB Reset Quote Header Extension

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There is a NEW version, but whatever the reason it has been not updated here. It's version 0.4.3, updated on June 16th, 2008. It's compatible with 2.0x, makes header substitution simplier -no need to specify any text, now it makes it automatically- and allows to select date format. It's available here, among other places:





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Add an option to show search results in a foreground tab and I'll be using this extenson instead of ConQuery: I like the possibility of searching with quotes.

Ez az értékelés a kiegészítő előző verziójához készült (0.4.2).