
Expression Search / GMailUI Redémarrage nécessaire

Powerful message searching through expressions. Type "from:fred to:tom" to see all messages from Fred to Tom in the current view. Support 'regular expressions' and 'click to search'.

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218 utilisateurs

Search Results Sort By Date Not Relevance Redémarrage nécessaire

Makes search results sort by "date" instead of "relevance" by default.

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Search as list Redémarrage nécessaire

Search results appear as list (as per the "Open email as list" button).
- return to facet view with shift+close [x]
- auto open list view when few results found
- column config./sort/toggle [IMG3&4]
- apply columns to search as list menu [IMG5]

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142 utilisateurs

attachment column in search result list Redémarrage nécessaire

Show the column for attachments in search results list. General search (edit-> search -> search emails) does not show by default if a message has attachments.
This addon adds this column, just as in a normal folder view.

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169 utilisateurs

SavedSearchThemAll Redémarrage nécessaire

A Thunderbird extension to automagically extend all the saved searches to all the foders!

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SavedSearchInSubFolders Redémarrage nécessaire

This addon allows virtual folders (saved searches) to automatically process all subfolders of their selected target folders.
The search targets are updated automatically whenever a new folder is added, or a virtual folder is updated.

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quicker quicksearch

make searching for emails faster:

Automatically insert into the quickfilter box: the author, subject or the email domain of the selected email.

No need to retype the address, if you want to search for all emails of this author.

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1 226 utilisateurs

Nostalgy++/ Manage, search and archive emails

Shortcuts to move/copy/archive messages, with folder name completion.
Rules for moving messages to folders.
Automatic rules by statistical observation/ by folder of conversation/thread.
Search dialog in a tab, with message display /folder tree.

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2 795 utilisateurs

Expression Search - NG

Powerful message search:

* Fuzzy search: Sylvia also finds Silvia
* Visual search query builder

* Type "f:fred fn:Vortrag" for messages from Fred, attachment name contains 'Vortrag'
* Type "t:(oo -pp)" for messages to oo, but not pp.

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1 748 utilisateurs

Folders for search, onDisk Status- Glodaquilla-NG:

Global Search/Indexing Enhancements/ On Disk Status for IMAP
Permits selective enabling and disabling of search indexing on folders or accounts - with inheritence. Extra columns can show whether a mail is stored on disk and its indexing status.

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