
Quick Folder Move

When filing messages, a search box will show up allowing you to quickly enter the folder name you want to move to.

If no search term is entered, a list of recent folders will show up instead.

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6 666 utilisateurs

Rise of the Tools

Moves the toolbar back above the tabbar.

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352 utilisateurs


Get things done and clean up your inbox! When you move an e-mail the first time, QuickArchiver remembers the destination folder and lets you move more e-mails with a single click. You can apply rules by sender, recipient, and subject.

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1 069 utilisateurs

Quicker Filer Redémarrage nécessaire

Quicker Filer helps you file your messages into folders using keyboard shortcuts and quick search method. Navigate through folders by typing the start of a folder name and the Quicker Filer dialog will show you all folders that matches as you type.

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19 utilisateurs

folderplus Redémarrage nécessaire

Cette extension rajoute des fonctionnalités manquantes pour la gestion des dossiers telles que déplacer les messages dans leurs dossiers de discussion, naviguer dans les répertoires grâce à des raccourcis clavier.

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3 utilisateurs


Organize email into folders quickly and easily.

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286 utilisateurs


Move mails to the same folder where previously mails have been moved from this author by hitting a single key

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71 utilisateurs

Message Mover

This add-on lets you move messages from a specific folder (and sub-folders) to a new folder.

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368 utilisateurs

Nostalgy++/ Manage, search and archive emails

Shortcuts to move/copy/archive messages, with folder name completion.
Rules for moving messages to folders.
Automatic rules by statistical observation/ by folder of conversation/thread.
Search dialog in a tab, with message display /folder tree.

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3 456 utilisateurs

Autofile - fast e-mail to folder filing

Read an e-mail, hit Autofile button and it is filed / moved to the right mail folder based on the sender's address. No drag/drop needed.

Autofile can discover folders to store each author mail. Will save you lots of time like defunct filemail.

Noté 4 sur 5 étoiles (5)
265 utilisateurs