

Get things done and clean up your inbox! When you move an e-mail the first time, QuickArchiver remembers the destination folder and lets you move more e-mails with a single click. You can apply rules by sender, recipient, and subject.

Noté 4 sur 5 étoiles (31)
1 141 utilisateurs

Extract 'Em! En vedette

Extracts attachments from messages within an account or folder, with the option to select specific attachments. Extracted attachments are saved to a .zip file.

Noté 3 sur 5 étoiles (6)
3 981 utilisateurs

Autofile - fast e-mail to folder filing

Read an e-mail, hit Autofile button and it is filed / moved to the right mail folder based on the sender's address. No drag/drop needed.

Autofile can discover folders to store each author mail. Will save you lots of time like defunct filemail.

Noté 4 sur 5 étoiles (5)
293 utilisateurs