

LookOut Redémarrage nécessaire

LookOut is a plugin which allows Thunderbird to interface with Microsoft's mail tools by decoding metadata and attachments encapsulated/embedded in a TNEF encoded attachment (aka winmail.dat).

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1 224 utilisateurs

LookOut (fix version)

LookOut decodes winmail.dat (TNEF encoded) files that may come from a misconfigured Microsoft Exchange server or Outlook user allowing access to the original attachments
Support: Thunderbird

Noté 4 sur 5 étoiles (95)
143 915 utilisateurs

Addressbooks Synchronizer

Synchronizes selected addressbooks with other instances of thunderbird
using local files, webdav servers or imap servers

Noté 4 sur 5 étoiles (79)
21 090 utilisateurs

Auto Address Cleaner T

Remove comment, display name from addresses before sending mail.

This add-on is a fork of Auto Address Cleaner.

Noté 5 sur 5 étoiles (9)
8 145 utilisateurs