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par sassygirl1016
Theres one good thing about snow, it makes your lawn look as nice as your neighbors.
~ Clyde Moore
white snowfall snow covered fall pine trees snowflakes ice icicles winter branches st tropaz blue narvik black pearl chathams blue horizon blue midnight blue venice blue & black calm and serene whimsical whimsy fantasy beautiful crisp cold air mountains forest christmas xmas x-mas scenery nature
(") (") SaSSyGirL
À propos de ce module
~ Clyde Moore
white snowfall snow covered fall pine trees snowflakes ice icicles winter branches st tropaz blue narvik black pearl chathams blue horizon blue midnight blue venice blue & black calm and serene whimsical whimsy fantasy beautiful crisp cold air mountains forest christmas xmas x-mas scenery nature
(") (") SaSSyGirL