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Live HTTP Headers (clone) 0.17.5
par Earthling
View HTTP headers of a page and while browsing.
This is an unofficial "Live HTTP headers" clone, mainly to fix the Replay feature!
À propos de ce module
- e10s-ready! This extension is multiprocessCompatible and now has the flag set to mark it as such.
- fixed "Use style sheet" **
- replaced most images with pure CSS (linear-gradient) + removed obsolete images
- removed obsolete addpanel.js + "add to Sidebar" button
You can style Sidebar/New-Window and Tab separately:
- userChrome.css for SideBar and New Window (if "Open in a new tab" is unchecked)
- userContent.css for LLH in a Tab (if "Open LiveHTTPHeaders in a new tab" is checked)
The following new CSS vars make it easy to use your own style:
:root {
--lhh-req-bgcol: #DFE7EA; /* greyish - bgcolor for REQUEST*/
--lhh-res-bgcol: #E6EDFA; /* blueish - bgcolor for RESPONSE */
--lhh-post-bgcol: #CAD2D5; /* darker greyish - bgcolor for POST data*/
--lhh-textcol: #000000; /* black - text color */
--lhh-textcol2: #FF0000; /* red - text color if row selected*/
--lhh-urlcol: #0000DD; /* blue - text color for URL*/
--lhh-color1: #666666; /* darkest greyish - used in linear-gradient */
--lhh-color2: #FFFFFF; /* white - used in linear-gradient */
Here's a nice alternative to the default colors:
:root {
--lhh-req-bgcol: #C4DFFF !important;
--lhh-res-bgcol: #FFE4C4 !important;
--lhh-post-bgcol: #7893B3 !important;
--lhh-urlcol: #122D4D !important;
If you find some even nicer colors please share them in a Review. Thanks!
Take a look at the CSS file if you want to change more than just the variables above.
** There's a warning about using style sheet which may cause 100% CPU usage!
I've never had a problem during development.
It's safe to assume that the mentioned bug was fixed over the years.
If you notice a problem please let me know, thanks!
I'll remove the warning in a future release if nobody reports any problems.
- converted to bootstrap add-on (no restart)
- dropped support for outdated FF & SM versions
- added icon to Tools > Live HTTP headers
- removed "Check for update" button
- changed Generator to always show full URLs **
** Generator is more useful this way.
If that's a problem for anyone using Generator, let me know and I'll add an option to disable/enable the new behaviour.
v0.17.3 (initial release)
- fixed Replay feature
- added Replay to Sidebar context-menu
- fixed Generator Help
- removed broken "Page Info" part
- removed obsolete files
English only - for now!
Notes about Replay:
- forces a local web cache bypass
(FF will add "Pragma: no-cache" and "Cache-Control: no-cache" headers!) - cannot change "Connection: keep-alive"