
SendVia Necesita reiniciarse

Sometimes you need to select a specific SMTP server for sending the current message? Then SendVia is for you.

SendVia provides the `Send' button of message composition windows with a drop-down menu from which you can select or create the SMTP server...

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TB Custom Toolbar Necesita reiniciarse

Adds a button to make new toolbars in Thunderbird

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Year View Necesita reiniciarse

This is an example extension that adds a simple year view to Sunbird/Lightning.

Note that freebusy information is only provided if all calendars are cached. See long description for more info. Also, Calendar 1.0pre with bug 489590 fixed is required.

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filer Necesita reiniciarse

Filing with postfix so there is another File needed for Postfix, so that Postfix know where to FIle the Email

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ltnPlus Necesita reiniciarse

Version 0.9:
Support printing of tasks for Lightning 0.8/0.9.

Up to version 0.2:
Enhancements to Lightning that are known from Sunbird: Unifinder (for events and todos) and moving MiniMonth to Tabpanel

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MR Tech - Gant Icon Pack Necesita reiniciarse

This icon pack is specifically designed to replace the menu icons supplied by MR Tech Local Install (should work with my MR Tech About:About 2.x & Toggle Preview Pane extensions too). As a request from Frackounet (French locale translator) I...

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Lightning Multiweek View Necesita reiniciarse

Adds a multiweek view to...

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Nepali Patro Necesita reiniciarse

Calendar for Nepalese People

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SortRecipients Necesita reiniciarse

SortRecipients lets you alphabetically sort the recipients lists (To/Cc) when composing a message, simply by clicking the Sort button, which it adds to the Compose window toolbar.

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Splash! (Firefox 4対応版) Necesita reiniciarse

FirefoxとFlock, Thunderbird, Sunbird, eMusic Remote, Songbird Sunbirdに対応しています。

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SS Ancestry Quick Button Necesita reiniciarse

A quick button link to the website, ssancestry.comyr.com/.

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Custom Buttons² Necesita reiniciarse

The Custom Buttons² Firefox extension provides the code base support necessary to create, maintain, import, and export custom toolbar buttons. The buttons can perform just about any task, with a large number of buttons already available on the exte...

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中止ボタンがしいたけに見えて困る Necesita reiniciarse


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Delete Junk Context Menu Necesita reiniciarse

Adds 'Delete Mail Marked as Junk' to folders' right click...

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中止ボタンがサーニャに見えて困る Necesita reiniciarse


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Shift-Delete Controller Necesita reiniciarse

Controls shift-delete button behavior. Confirmation dialog is optionally displayed in user defined...

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