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CerrarValoración de Simple Mail Redirection por MaybenotBobs
Puntuado con 5 de 5 estrellas
Version 1.48
Some 80% of the mails I receive are redirected internally.
So far I've used the redirect function in Thunderbird but when I updated to version 128.4, the redirect function was now under forward and redirect, means 1 more click.
So I was very happy to find this add-on and more especially as it allows to redirect multiple mails to the same receiver in one action (even faster and better than in good old Eudora)
But then I realized that although the messages where tagged redirected, they didn't appear in my sent folder. So I've clicked the "save" button, which brings them to the sent folder, but no indication to whom I've sent them.
Did I miss something in the fine-tuning?
Also my staff tells me that the redirected messages they receive, keep the original date of the sender's mail
Thanks Günter, "all headers" help in my case
To see the recipients, enable the 'all headers' mode of the saved messages and check the header 'Resent-To:'
And yes, date and all other header information are unchanged.
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