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CerrarValoración de SearchWith por teasu
Puntuado con 4 de 5 estrellas
mmm.. so many bad comments in a roll? actually I find it really useful. I tried the other 2 add-on mentioned. Advance Url builder only recognize search url ending with "q=". But some sites uses "q/" instead, which it fails to work with. As with Context Search, I quite like it, except for the fact that it does not allow me to search with address bar. Sometimes a url is typed out in plain text and can't be clicked on. So what I do with SearchWith is I just highlight the whole url address and then select search with Address Bar to bring me to that site. This is more useful than people realize. well, at least that was the case for me. I agree the interface isn't user friendly and takes a while to get used to. It probably could do with some improvement. But after configuring all the search engines, I barely have to touch that interface anymore.. lol..
so, thanks for this add-on and continue to update yo! :)
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