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CerrarValoración de EarlyBlue por AbandonInPlace
Puntuado con 5 de 5 estrellas
It is one of my favorite themes. Venerable Modern is nice, if you can find it, but it will soon probably be rendered non-functional as SeaMonkey evolves. I just like the blueness.
Also, thumbs up for any developer of SeaMonkey themes. There are so very few.
Installation issues? Yeah, install is sometimes broken. This is what you do:
1) Right click the "add to seamonkey" button, and save the target file where you can find it.
2) Install MR Tech Toolkit (formerly of Local Install fame. See where this is going?)
2.1) (edit) Or the newer Theme Installer extension. That should work well. ;)
3) With MR Tech installed (you can try without installing it first if you like), drag the theme file onto an open browser window. You'll be prompted further to allow installation. You can also use Install Extension from the File menu and browse to the theme file as well.
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