Alex Stolz

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Información del desarrollador
Nombre Alex Stolz
Usuario desde Jul. 4, 2009
Número de complementos desarrollados 2 complementos
Calificación media de sus complementos Sin puntuar aún

Complementos que he creado

RDF Book Mashup

This simple add-on aims at providing a simple access to the RDF book mashup by Chris Bizer and Richard Cyganiak from "Freie Universität Berlin", enhanced by the GoodRelations ontology developed by Martin Hepp from the Bundeswehr University of Munich.

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2 descargas semanales

GoodRelations Extension Necesita reiniciarse

Context search for product offerings and company profiles with GoodRelations...

FF4 support? - This extension works also with Firefox 4, but you have to install version 0.1.5, which has not been reviewed yet (as of April 6, 2011).

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0 usuarios

Mis revisiones

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