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CerrarXUL/Migemo 0.14.9 Necesita reiniciarse
por Piro (piro_or)
This provides dictionary-assisted search (Migemo search) and regular expression powered search for "find in this page" and other features.
Acerca de este complemento
Additionally, you can find modified latin letters with their simple versions. For example, "Frédéric" can be found by the input "frederic".
Or, if you want and you switch the find mode, you can do regular expression search for web contents.
XUL/Migemo is available on:
* Find in this page (FIrefox)
* Smart Location Bar (Firefox)
* Search boxes of History and Bookmarks (Firefox)
* Find in this message (Thunderbird)
* Quick Find feature in the thread pane (Thunderbird)
This project is inspired from "Migemo" project ( ), which provides same feature for Emacs and other applications.