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CerrarRespuesta del desarrollador por Realraven (Axel Grude)
Puntuado con 4 de 5 estrellas
I have been using this add-on on and off for years. But it still frezees/hangs the thunderbird if you reply to an email with a large attachment (0.5Mb or so) and place replies in the same folder as a thunderbird setting. It keeps waiting for the folder forever till you kill thunderbird. It is a great add-on but please fix this damn problem. It is so annoying to kill the thunderbird and start all over again..
The problem with this bug is that it cannot be fixed without a total rewrite. We had 3 developers trying to fix it, but the bottom line is that we would need to read the file in asynchronously and that would destroy the current architecture of the Add-on plus very likely remove Stationery support. Unless we get another developer to look at this we will likely not be able to fix it. Here is the detail:
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