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CerrarRespuesta del desarrollador por Realraven (Axel Grude)
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Template can be set or not, that's not what most users want, imo.
True tamplates add-on should store a few templates and when composing message I should decide which template to insert.
I'm sending/replaying to users about 5 standard responses and can't do that with this add-on
What I do is use the Stationery Add-on in conjunction with SmartTempalte⁴. The current paradigm stores the each template against an identity so workaround is making multiple identities and a set of templates for each of them. This was the paradigm when I inherited the Add-on years ago and then I was already using Stationery for managing multiple external HTML templates. I didn't want to re-invent the wheel and potentially loose existing users (including Marc who maintained the Add-on after the original developer had left) who were used to the "1 template per identity" setup.
Click on Global Settings and then the "Stationery Addon" button for further instructions.
Should Stationery go away I will gladly add Template Management functionality.
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