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QuickFox is a multi-tab note taking solution for Firefox and Thunderbird that employs the integrated bookmarks system or a single sqlite database to store notes. That is, if you already have either a bookmarks synchronization add-on (e.g.: XMarks) or a file synchronization software (e.g.: Dropbox, SugarSync, Syncplicity), your notes will be synchronized automatically, no more setups!
*** It is highly recommended to use Xmarks to synchronize QuickFox Notes ***
Tutorial (Basic features):
Browser independent version:
✓ Multiple tabs
✓ Auto-save
✓ Spell check
✓ Clipboard management
✓ Encrypt/Decrypt Notes
✓ Auto-copy and Paste on middle click
✓ Store to "Archive" (to free tab space)
✓ Pop-up after X seconds upon Firefox start
✓ Email notes
✓ Print notes
✓ Insert special symbols
✓ Google word suggestion/calculator
✓ Import and Export to Evernote, Google Docs, Simplenote, Dropbox or Sugarsync
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: More (Scripts) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
● Auto Correct
● Remember the Milk
● Text Statistics
● Latex Tools
● Google URL Shortener
● Fullscreen
● Text to HTML Converter
● More