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CerrarValoraciones de Extended Link Properties + (obsolete)
11 valoraciones para este complemento
Puntuado con 5 de 5 estrellas
New development versions of this add-on can be downloaded from here: (skip to the last page)
Este usuario tiene 2 valoraciones anteriores de este complemento.Puntuado con 5 de 5 estrellas
Works perfectly on Seamonkey 2.31, once installed.
To install it, I bumped the "maxVersion" for Seamonkey in its install.rdf to "2.*"; no other changes needed.
Puntuado con 5 de 5 estrellas
Thank god it still works on FX20. Just realized how bad I need something that tells me how big a file is before I start download. Found this with notice that it is no longer being developed. First time I've ever seen the "+ (obsolete)" notification for an add-on ever. Not. Works fine. I tested it on some links at
and it's fine. Sometimes I have to click on the 'get file size button' but then it shows me what I need to know!!! Hooray for the developer wherever he is...
Puntuado con 5 de 5 estrellas
No, this addon is not obsolete, because Element Properties won't show any anything interesting anymore, e.g. file size.
Puntuado con 5 de 5 estrellas
I use this add-on I don't know how many times a day, especially with downloads. Worth being updated, at least in version compatibility announced.
Este usuario tiene una valoración anterior de este complemento.Puntuado con 4 de 5 estrellas
Can we have an option to show in Kb / Mb instead of KiB and MiB? I'm used to the American style prefixes and such,
Puntuado con 5 de 5 estrellas
Excellent, useful, simple
Puntuado con 5 de 5 estrellas
One of the Best Addons!
Puntuado con 5 de 5 estrellas
Great job mate!
Puntuado con 5 de 5 estrellas
Super!Функции аддона в натив браузера!
В FF 4.010pre работает отлично!
Puntuado con 5 de 5 estrellas
Esta valoración es de una versión anterior del complemento (1.4.0).Para crear tu propia colección, debes tener una cuenta de Mozilla Add-ons.