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DuckDuckGo (Lite SSL) 20140120
por DuckDuckGo
DuckDuckGo is the search engine that doesn't track you. We also have smarter answers and less clutter. This extension adds DuckDuckGo (non-JS Lite version) to the search bar. For more features, see the DuckDuckGo Plus add-on. Enjoy!
Acerca de este complemento
This add-on will:
1. Add DuckDuckGo as your default search engine in the search bar.
*** Please note: to get even more features, check out the DuckDuckGo Plus add-on here: ***
This add-on will put the Lite (non-JS / SSL) version of DuckDuckGo in your search bar.
Also check out these pages for more info on DuckDuckGo:
- About:
- Goodies:
- !bang syntax:
- Help:
- Privacy: