

Contact Finder

Autocomplete a list of contacts when sending a message by searching their name in the address book.

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GrapeVine for Salesforce

Connects Thunderbird to Salesforce.com

- Archive Emails from Thunderbird email accounts into Salesforce, automatically
- Synchronise Salesforce Contacts and Leads into Thunderbird's address book
- Create Contacts/Leads in Salesforce from emails

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19 Benutzer

Auto Avatars

Add-on for Thunderbird that automatically populates contact photos with their Libravatar or Gravatar photo. Includes support for custom instances and federation!

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93 Benutzer


Make a call to the selected phone number. Call the public numbers shown on the site via the BRAVO UCC SOLUTION platform by clicking or highlighting them

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1 Benutzer


Sammelt alle Absender/Empfänger/-.. Adressen und speichert sie in einem Adressbuch

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12 Benutzer