
Internet Archive Search

Search add-on for
Internet Archive: Universal Access To All Knowledge.

Bewertet mit 3 von 5 Sternen (6)
133 wöchentliche Downloads

Open Library Search

Open Library: One web page for every book ever published.

Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternen (3)
13 wöchentliche Downloads

Science Stack - Academic Search Engine

Academic Search Engine for research paper from Mendeley and PloS. Science Stack provides is useful for finding relevant material and building a bibliography. You have a full scientific library at the click of a button.

Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternen (1)
13 wöchentliche Downloads

Yale University Library Search

Search the Yale University Library catalog.

Noch nicht bewertet
3 wöchentliche Downloads