
WordPress Plugins Directory

OpenSearch add-on to search WordPress Plugins Directory.

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Хабраха́бр (он же Хабр) — многофункциональный сайт, представляющий собой смешение социальной сети и коллективного блога, созданный для публикации новостей, аналитических статей, мыслей, связанных с высокими технологиями, бизнесом и Интернетом.

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12 wöchentliche Downloads

Soziale Netzwerke

Suche in sozialen Netzwerken!

Bewertet mit 4 von 5 Sternen (1)
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ONCEI (alpha)

New SearchEngine, New Innovation !
Moteur de recherche crée par la Société Francophone : DNA CORPORATE (SAS)
Nous n'utilisons pas d'API, ni des services d'autres sociétés externes, tout nos résultats sont dans notre base de données.

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Twitter search plugin

Adds Twitter search to Firefox.

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Social Buzz

Social Buzz - Real Time Search for Facebook, Twitter and Google+. This Social Media Search Engine allows to use Multiple Keywords, Content types and Popularity Filtering, Locale options and provides Search Results Analytics.

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Поиск аудиозаписей на сайте вконтакте

Поиск аудиозаписей вконтакте (

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Rate Your Music Artist Search Engine

Search engine for the artist database of the website

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Поиск на

Рекомендательный сервис Имхонет – отзывы, рецензии, рекомендации

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Search Skype, AIM, Yahoo, ICQ and MSN Messenger is a publicly accessible, user submitted, messenger profile aggregator to enable the communication of Skype, Yahoo, AIM, ICQ, Google Talk and MSN messenger users.

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Поиск Открыток@Mail.Ru

Поиск Открыток@Mail.Ru

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Search for new friends, dates, and professional contacts over hundreds of social networks

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myGoogle_COM Search without tracking parameters

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Health | Health wellness and well-being.

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Grooveshark Audio Auto Search

Speeds up your searching of music files on with an auto suggest feature.

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GoodReads Search

Allows to search for book titles, authors and ISBNs an the book reviewing plattform
Uses HTTPS by default. If selected as primary search engine, it will provide search suggestions from

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SongRepo Music Search

Unlimited free mp3 downloads, streaming music and more for PC, tablet and mobile.

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Many Books

Search for public domain e-books in ManyBooks

Bewertet mit 1 von 5 Sternen (1)
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Поиск по сайту Видео@Mail.Ru

Поиск по сайту Видео@Mail.Ru

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Simple search within Linkomanija database.

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