Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternen

Would really be appreciated if it could be updated to support version 102.


Bewertet mit 4 von 5 Sternen

C'est une excellente extension.
Pour l'instant semble pas être compatible 91. Devrait même faire partie intégrante de Thunderbird.

Bewertet mit 3 von 5 Sternen

Is there a version compatible with TB 91.9.0?

Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternen

on 24" screen, it is perfect with 1.5 as value, thanks for you help

Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternen

Finally a solution that works, mine is ciurrently set at 1.45, this works best for me.

Looking around in the Web, it turned out that there are lots of complaints about the tiny fonts.

I found a solution, it is not exactly perfect but certainly gets around the tiny font size problem:

It means using “About Config” by clicking on “Config Editor” at the very bottom of the page in: Thunderbird/Preferences/General, then accepting the “risk” (I understand there is no such risk, just a sort of in joke), then searching for “pixel” in the search field there, and clicking twice on this line: layout.css.devPixelsPerPx .

In the window that opens change the default “-1” to something bigger, but not too big, then click OK. In my case “3” works. Make sure that the “-” has been removed when changing the value from -1 to some multiple 0f 0.5, while keeping in mind that larger than 3, going by my own experience, might be too large and inconvenient, as changing from -1 on up increases all the font sizes everywhere in Thunderbird (and only in “Thunderbird”), including the “Inbox”, so everything there gets crowded and some goes out of sight if one chooses a number that is too big. The moment you click OK, you’ll see the effect of the change in the very “Config Editor” page you are in.

Bewertet mit 2 von 5 Sternen

Shown as not compatible with current version of TB (version 91.1), but Font size change seems to work OK without the extension by making a change in TB Preferences as suggested by Ruben.

There's no need to install add on to make "config editor" appear as tab, just go to preferences and config editor is at the bottom. Open this and search for Font, then refine search as font.size.systemFontScale (by default is 100). Edit and changed the number as required.

I used 120 and Thunderbird is now usable for me!

Bewertet mit 2 von 5 Sternen

How to fix font size. I have last TH version (91.*) and I've found a method to increase/decrease font size. Install add on to make "config editor" appear as tab. Press this tab. In the search bar type in font.size. In this list look for font.size.systemFontScale (by default is 100). I changed the number to 118. At last, restart TH. That's all.

Bewertet mit 4 von 5 Sternen

La technique du Ctrl+Maj+i est ok sauf qu'effectivement pas moyen de rendre la modif permanente. Et aucun thème ou add-on compatible TB 78 n'est dispo. Gros pb surtout que je ne vois comment migrer tout en conservant tous mes mails

Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternen

J'ai trouvé en partie une parade pour agrandir la taille de la police sauf que je ne sais pas comment l'enregistrer :
- sous Windows 10, ouvrez Thunderbird (le mien est version 78.9.1) tapez le raccourci "Ctrl+Maj+I" (i majuscule).
- Vous devriez avoir une fenêtre de demande de requête de connexion >>> autorisez la connexion en cliquant sur "OK".
- Une fenêtre "developper Tools" va s'ouvrir (peut-être cachée sous d'autres fenêtres)
- Dans l'onglet "Inspector" cliquer sur le "sous-onglet" "FONT" tout à droite.
- changez la taille "size" qui est à 12 px en 15 px.

Pour enregistrer ce changement je ne sais pas comment faire, alors si vous avez une idée je suis preneur.

Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternen

It was a great extension, and it is very unfortunate that it is no longer supported. Now there is always a problem - letters come (and go) with a wide variety of font sizes. Extremely uncomfortable. It would be great if there was some kind of setting so that all letters retained one font, as it was when using this extension.

Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternen

Since this add-on isn't available for the latest TB version (68.8.1) on my MAC, and I'm attempting to use a 4K display with "older eyes", I want to send a big THANK YOU to TRENTON WILLIAMS for this work-around. Perfect!!!

"Instead of using TF&SC (currently for TB 60 and lower), try this: Edit/Preferences/Advanced/General/Config. editor, right-click the preference layout.css.devPixelsPerPx, Modify, and enter a value of 2.5 + That will zoom everything, including the global search tab text."

Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternen

Solution to zoom everything (was already previously posted):

Instead of using TF&SC (currently for TB 60 and lower), try this:
≡ > Preferences > Preferences > Advanced > General > Config Editor > I accept the risk! > search for "layout.css.devPixelsPerPx", modify value to "1.5" which is equal to 150%.

now close the settings and profit ;-)

Dieser Benutzer hat eine ältere Bewertung zu diesem Add-on.

Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternen

PS Yes to the suggestion below that something like this should just be integrated into the basic package. It makes no sense to have this be an add-on.

Dieser Benutzer hat eine ältere Bewertung zu diesem Add-on.

Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternen

A number of us users have been asking the dev. to upgrade to use with the latest - and still woefully developed - TB 68.... for Mac. Mozilla is unresponsive as always.
We have offered to contribute. Kindly advise.

Dieser Benutzer hat 3 ältere Bewertungen zu diesem Add-on.

Bewertet mit 1 von 5 Sternen

Bei der letzten Version Thunderbird funktionierte dieses Tool wunderbar !! Aber seit es ein neues Update gibt von Thunderbird ist Schicht im Schacht !!

Die Software Thunderbird kann man im Moment vergessen !!

Lesen unmöglich !!!

Wenn es eine Alternative gibt bitte gerne Info !!!

Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternen

Please, please, please update Theme for Font & Size Changer for T-bird 68.4.2. I am as annoyed as you are that the T-bird updates keep tossing out all your hard work. But this is the BEST add-on around & I am annoyed as "heck" about losing all the customization I like for my T-bird. PLEASE?

Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternen

Tolles Addon, leider funktioniert es seit update auf 68.4.x (64bit) nicht mehr. Bitte unbedingt updaten!
Danke und Gruß

Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternen

I have less than stellar vision. I don't understand why Thunderbird doesn't fix this font size problem once and for all. That is why I rely on this add-on so much. Thunderbird gives us no warning, updates, and then we are back to not being able to read the initial page of our emails. Along with all the others, I implore you to consider bringing us back a fix, once again. Thank you for all the work you do on trying to keep up with Thunderbird changes.

Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternen

Indeed, the best add-on ever. Amazingly functional, effective, and a time-saver. Would be happy to pay for an update to TB 68.

Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternen

The best Thunderbird Addon ever!
On all modern 4K machines you can't read anything in Thunderbird, because of this way too small font size!
So Thunderbird failed and is worthless on all modern 4K machines... This will be the reason for the end of Thunderbird!

But I disabled Thunderbird updates since version 60!
To keep this best Addon ever!

How can I send you money, to update your Addon???