
Expression Search / GMailUI Vyžaduje restart

Powerful message searching through expressions. Type "from:fred to:tom" to see all messages from Fred to Tom in the current view. Support 'regular expressions' and 'click to search'.

Ohodnoceno 4 z 5 hvězdiček (125)
215 uživatelů

Show Address Only Vyžaduje restart

Adds columns to display Sender/Recipients mailaddress only.

Ohodnoceno 4 z 5 hvězdiček (55)
1 268 uživatelů

TracEmail Vyžaduje restart

A tool to raise awareness on email privacy. Visualizes the estimation of the path of your email messages on an interactive map. You can see which countries might have taken a copy of the message.

Ohodnoceno 4 z 5 hvězdiček (2)
4 uživatelé

Sender Address Columns Vyžaduje restart

Adds optional columns to the Thread Pane to allow sorting email messages by:
* Full sender address -- e.g. "[email protected]"
* Sender's domain -- e.g. "example.com"
* Sender's local part -- e.g. "someone"
* Sender's TLD -- e.g. ".com"

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6 uživatelů

Search for Sender Vyžaduje restart

Adds two items to the threadpane context menu, 'Search for this sender' and 'Search for this subject'. This basically takes the sender or subject of the selected message, copies it to the QuickSearch window and starts the search.

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24 uživatelů

Close On Reply Vyžaduje restart

Close window or tab when you reply to a message.

Ohodnoceno 3 z 5 hvězdiček (10)
11 uživatelů