
Free/Busy Vyžaduje restart

Publish free/busy calendar file (*.ifb) via ftp or to a file. View other people's free/busy info in meeting organizer window. Integrate Thunderbird and Outlook calendars without Exchange server.

Ohodnoceno 3 z 5 hvězdiček (14)
5 uživatelů

3e Calendar Vyžaduje restart

Adds support for 3e calendars

Ohodnoceno 1 z 5 hvězdiček (1)
3 uživatelé

Zonio Freebusy for Lightning Vyžaduje restart

Finds when are people available for a meeting or event via Zonio Freebusy service. Displays freebusy blocks instantly in Invite Attendees window while attendees are being added. Works with both local calendar storage or any calendar provider.

Ohodnoceno 1 z 5 hvězdiček (1)
0 uživatelů