
Elegant Scrollbar Cursors

Display helpful, informative cursors for scrollbars.

0 uživatelů


Search in all your search engines at the same time

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1 uživatel

Deselect on Click 1.0 Vyžaduje restart

Deselects current message when clicking in thread pane.

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5 uživatelů

Force Authentication at Startup. Vyžaduje restart

Always ask password and hide UI at the startup.

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0 uživatelů

Hide Badge Icon Vyžaduje restart

Hides the badge for new messages of the Thunderbird app icon on Mac OSX.

0 uživatelů

After Unsent Mail Is Sent Vyžaduje restart

Sorry but this addon is no longer supported in TB 60. See below.

Run a program of your choice after unsent mail has been sent.

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1 uživatel

Perapera Japanese-French Dictionary File Vyžaduje restart

This is additional dictionary file for use with the Perapera Japanese Pop-up Dictionary add-on.

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0 uživatelů

Http Ping Vyžaduje restart

Sheduled ping any server with http request

Запросы по расписанию к серверу по http

0 uživatelů

ThunderBridge Vyžaduje restart

P2P e-mail delivery.

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0 uživatelů

Archived-At Vyžaduje restart

Add menu items for copying Archived-At (RFC 5064) URLs from emails

0 uživatelů

Go Google

Open google instantly with this super fast add on.And its just < 10KB.!
No need to type google in your address bar anymore.Just try this awesome to open up google instantly.

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1 uživatel

BugFlags Vyžaduje restart

Lists the request flags for a specified requestee

0 uživatelů

Plugin Disabler

Deactivates all plugins on startup.

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0 uživatelů

PackageMapping.com Extension Vyžaduje restart

Track and Map packages from the right-click menu...

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0 uživatelů

AlexPro for Thunderbird Vyžaduje restart

AlexPro add-on per ThunderBird è un componente per l'archiviazione dei messaggi ricevuto o inviati nelle Pratiche AlexPro.

0 uživatelů

Kardia CRM Add-on for Thunderbird Vyžaduje restart

(beta) Integrates with the Kardia CRM system, to provide information about the people in the Kardia CRM database directly via Thunderbird.

NOTE: This add-on requires a Kardia CRM server (see description for more information).

2 uživatelé

elevenia Vyžaduje restart

Instant access to your online shopping paradise. The more transaction you've made from our extension, the more point-cashback you'll get!

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0 uživatelů

Complete master password Vyžaduje restart

The goal is to avoid to have to enter the master password on application startUp.
The extension is not self-sufficient, a script has to extract the master for a secure storage like gnome-keyring, then to transfer it through an environment variable.

1 uživatel

Find Preferences Vyžaduje restart

Stores find service data in preferences so that it persists across restarts.

1 uživatel

BOINC Stats 2 Vyžaduje restart

Displays your Total and Recent Average Credits for BOINC distributed computing projects in the status bar.

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