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ZavřítRecenze doplňku Folderpane Tools
125 recenzí tohoto doplňku
Ohodnoceno 1 z 5 hvězdiček
Useless. "Incompatible with your version of thunderbird"
Ohodnoceno 1 z 5 hvězdiček
A very good addon messed up by the TB developers. I will kick the TB 60 update and use the older versions instead. All the "new" functions of TB 60 are useless since the developers are not able to embed real useful functions like your Addon. More than the half of my really important addons are not working with that unnecessary update of TB. Shame on it.
Ohodnoceno 1 z 5 hvězdiček
I had used Manually Sor Folders add-on in a past and it worked well. Now I update my Thunderbird to ver. 60.3.0 and this add-on does not work. There are no accounts in the accounts list, and no folders in Folders list. Buttons «Testart TB» and «Close» do nothing. Seems add-on have some incompatibility with my TB.
Ohodnoceno 5 z 5 hvězdiček
Please help make this addon work with V 52 its so annoying not having it and not being able to move new accounts around when you have alot of email accounts. Is there a Beta version somewhere that works with 52? I didnt see one?
"XML Parsing Error: undefined entity
Location: chrome://folderpane/content/folderpanePref.xul
Line Number 263, Column 19: <menuitem label="&filemessageschoosethis.label;"
Ohodnoceno 1 z 5 hvězdiček
Manually sort folders 1.1 isn't a solution either as it is not moving Local Folders back to the top (the real value of Folderpane Tools) and leaving my imap, blogs/news feeds, and other local folders, below . *&^%(*&^)(*&^)(*&
Attempts to revert (in aptitude, bring up package thunderbird, go to bottom pane / package details - note purged line. + to tell it to install, and voila.) got me 11.0. Unbelievable!
Googling revealed recent (last month) Ubuntu update to 38.1 from July update to 31.8.
Downloaded 31.8 from http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/thunderbird/releases/31.8.0/linux-x86_64/en-GB/ to my 12.04 Kubuntu.
Unpacked via alias unpack='tar xvf' to my favourite appropriate directory, /usr/local/src and gained a thunderbird directory underneath. Ran /usr/local/src/thunderbird/thunderbird, and voila. Update the menu entry, get on with my day, and STOP this breaking upgrade Mozilla nonsense.
Note: Attempting to get en-gb dictionaries only to get incompatible (not 38.1) version. Phooey, phaw, and gave up.
Ohodnoceno 1 z 5 hvězdiček
Doesn't work.
Download 12/08/15
Appear the next message:
Error de lectura XML: entidad no definida
Ubicación: chrome://folderpane/content/folderpanePref.xul
Número de línea 263, columna 19: <menuitem label="&filemessageschoosethis.label;"
Ohodnoceno 1 z 5 hvězdiček
Try "Manually sort folders 1.1". It sorts accounts the same way and does it also for folders within an account.
Ohodnoceno 3 z 5 hvězdiček
This add-on used to be great to rearrange the list of accounts but it doesn't anymore stopping with a script error saying "XML Parsing Error: undefined entity
Location: chrome://folderpane/content/folderpanePref.xul
Line Number 263, Column 19:" Hoping for a solution for this otherwise great add-on.
Ohodnoceno 1 z 5 hvězdiček
Thunderbird 31.3.0 on Arch Linux
Folderpane 0.61
Preferences in the Addons-Manager returns an error message:
XML Parsing Error: undefined entity
Location: chrome://folderpane/content/folderpanePref.xul
Line Number 263, Column 19: <menuitem label="&filemessageschoosethis.label;"
While the custom order of folders is still displayed it can not be canged any more and other options (like excluding certain folders from te messaging of new mails) do not work any more.
I tried to remove te file localstore.rdf but tis did not fix the problem.
Ohodnoceno 1 z 5 hvězdiček
I love this add-on but it no longer works in Thunderbird 31.3.0.
Ohodnoceno 5 z 5 hvězdiček
Sorry, you have misunderstood the meaning of 'Start Folder'.
It is not the top folder in the list.
It is the one which is always focused on Thunderbird startup. Its content is therefore always displayed in the thread pane on startup.
You have described the correct method to always show 'Local Folders" at the top of the folders pane.
That is not what I commented on and you will see that I did not mention 'top position' or anything similar in my previous review.
If you click on 'Local Folders' in the folders pane, you will see what I want to see in the thread pane whenever Thunderbird starts.
When it was working, 'Folderpane Tools' used to provide this feature - one simply chose 'Local Folders' as the start folder.
Unfortunately, 'Folderpane Tools' no longer works and, although 'Manually Sort Folders' does allow one to select a start folder, that facility does not include 'Local Folders' as 'Folderpane tools used to.
From 'franc's review on November 3, 2014:
".. I looked around and like another here posted (user "RDL"), the only reason why I used Folderpane Tools was to set the Local Folder on top position."
Ohodnoceno 5 z 5 hvězdiček
the new addon is : https://addons.mozilla.org/fr/thunderbird/addon/manually-sort-folders/?src=userprofile
Ohodnoceno 1 z 5 hvězdiček
This Add-On is now forever broken, it seems.
So I looked around and like another here posted (user "RDL"), the only reason why I used Folderpane Tools was to set the Local Folder on top position.
Always I used the much better Add-On "Manually Sort Folders", which I thought just could not set the Local Folder on the first position, but this wrong!
It only has to be set as Default Folder (on the first tab right side in the middle) and after TB restart the Local Folder is the top one.
See this on github: https://github.com/protz/Manually-Sort-Folders/issues/30
So no need at all to fix this Folderpane Tools, just use the Manually Sort Folders Add-On for good :)
Ohodnoceno 5 z 5 hvězdiček
Well, I'm sad this addon doesn't work anymore, but maybe we can use "Manually sort folders" addon. It looks similar.
Ohodnoceno 4 z 5 hvězdiček
While the problem of "Error parsing XML: Enttity not defined.." can easily be fixed...
<menuitem label="&filemessageschoosethis.label;" ...
is back reference to
<!ENTITY filemessageschoosethis.label "&renamefolderchoosethis.label;">
which was likely the workaround that was done when the filemessageschoosethis.label went away in a previous Thunderbird version? Well, renamefolderchoosethis.label is now gone, so either need to find something else (or define one....edit all the locale files in the add-on?)
Or for quick, I just changed the menuitem to be:
<menuitem label="choose this folder" ...
After I did this, the preferences dialog will appear....however mine has an empty accounts list, probably something else changed in the internals (or got fixed?)
Think I'll just try the other add-on mentioned in another review....until that review mentioned, I hadn't noticed that the Startup Folder functionality had stopped working, just that something was different and I didn't like it. It was adding a couple more accounts to my Thunderbird at work that led to discovering that I couldn't use this add-on anymore....
Ohodnoceno 4 z 5 hvězdiček
This was a great add-on, but, sadly, with Thunderbird 31+ it no longer works. Not having a customized startup folder is a nuisance every time Thunderbird starts! If it can be done, please fix this add-on to work with the latest versions of Thunderbird. If that can't be done, does anyone know of an add-on that allows one to customize the startup folder in Thunderbird?
Ohodnoceno 5 z 5 hvězdiček
Great little addon, but please update for Thunderbird 31.1.
Ohodnoceno 4 z 5 hvězdiček
Everything was perfect until version 31...
Ohodnoceno 1 z 5 hvězdiček
It doesn't work with Thunderbird 31.0 anymore.
"XML-Verarbeitungsfehler: Nicht definierte Entität
Adresse: chrome://folderpane/content/folderpanePref.xul
Zeile Nr. 263, Spalte 19: <menuitem label="&filemessageschoosethis.label;"
Also the open tabs are closed after a restart of Thunderbird.
Ohodnoceno 2 z 5 hvězdiček
Does not work with TB31. See error-msg below..
Once working again, more *s will be given, as I like this addon and miss it terribly.
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