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Paul Crown

За мен

Информация за разработчика
Име Paul Crown
Потребител от Юли 25, 2013
Брой добавки 1 добавка
Средна оценка на добавките Оценена с 3 от 5 звезди

Добавки, които съм създал

Chat Notifier with Pop-Ups Изисква рестартиране

Allows to be notified when you receive chat message in Thunderbird.

Оценена с 3 от 5 звезди (3)
0 потребители

Мои отзиви

Chat Notifier (for Thunderbird)

Оценена с 5 от 5 звезди

I love this addon. It was the only thing I was missing from using a separate chat application. I needed a few extra features, so I modified your addon: (1) I turned off the notifications when they are my own, (2) I added a generic icon to the notification window, and (3) I have the TB window frame blink until I see read the IM. I will check support to see if I can figure out how to send you my changes.