
معلومات عنّي

معلومات المطور
الاسم Calliope
المنطقة Germany
الوظيفة Blogger, Writer, Creator
الموقع الإلكتروني
مُستخدم منذ أكتوبر 7, 2015
عدد الإضافات التي طورتها 2 themes
معدّل التقييم من مطوري الإضافات مقيمة بـ 5 من 5 نجوم

In a little more detail...

I like to turn my amateur photographs into Firefox Themes (and other things). It's just a hobby and it's a lot of fun.


Font Finder

مقيمة بـ 5 من 5 نجوم

Very useful for webdesigners or if you're simply curious. Does what it says in the description. A bit slow sometimes but that could also be due to my old machine.

هذا التعليق كان على إصدارة سابقة من هذه الإضافة ( 

Soft Aqua

مقيمة بـ 5 من 5 نجوم

Very soft and soothing indeed.

Flat and Grey

مقيمة بـ 5 من 5 نجوم

perfect if you like to keep a foxy flavor to your browser :)

Mail Merge

مقيمة بـ 5 من 5 نجوم

A very clever and reliable extension I use every few months or so. It works perfectly for me and it's usually the first add-on I install on new machines with Thunderbird on them.

As another user pointed out, the ms-dos comma separated format works best.

And there are dozens of variables you can use in your multi-recipient mails which is very useful.

هذا التعليق كان على إصدارة سابقة من هذه الإضافة (4.1.0) 

Glass - Clear

مقيمة بـ 5 من 5 نجوم

Great theme for daytime activities because it's very bright. I like the black glass one better though while working since it's very subtle and blends in with my dark desktop backgrounds.

On my Mac this looks fabulous, though.

Glass - Black

مقيمة بـ 5 من 5 نجوم

A very simple theme but also slick and smooth. Looks really good, especially in fullscreen mode.