
معلومات عنّي

معلومات المطور
الاسم DirkHoffmann
مُستخدم منذ فبراير 5, 2012
عدد الإضافات التي طورتها 0 إضافة/إضافات
معدّل التقييم من مطوري الإضافات بلا تقييم حتى الآن


Markdown Viewer

مقيمة بـ 1 من 5 نجوم

"Not compatible with Firefox Quantum" :-(


مقيمة بـ 3 من 5 نجوم

It is a fine idea and has a nice interface. BUT:
I have a GoogleCal with more than 2000 entries. (You may say, I shouldn't, but I do and probably many others as well. Google is apparently feeding these in time order, which means "most irrelevant first".) And I need to integrate a dozen other institutional calendars as well in my daily and weekly agenda.
This makes the plugin almost unusable, because:
* It takes too much time to download the iCal stream. Compared to the pure download time (with curl or wget), it is orders of magnitude longer. So the handling/decoding must be badly implemented.
* During download the whole application is stuck intermittently and issues a warning ("blocked script").
* There seems to be no caching of calendars.
Under these circumstances, this plugin supposes that Thunderbird is started well before (30'?) the productive work can begin.

هذا التعليق كان على إصدارة سابقة من هذه الإضافة (5.4) 


مقيمة بـ 3 من 5 نجوم

After trying an outdated version, the developer came up quickly with an update. (Thanks!)
The add-on is based on a very good idea, something that is missing in standard e-mail protocol/RFC. On TB39, its widget has a nasty yellow background (still). Would be nice, if user could change its placement (fixed under folder tree) and appearance (at least colour). And the Resubmission button with the logo is almost the biggest one of all in the action bar. It would be better placed in the "More" dropdown menu close to the Delete/Junk/Answer buttons close to the message display.
It is working well though. The question is now, how to gain confidence that it really works. A small (yellow) list of resubmit-items helps to monitor this, in case you do not trust the add-on yet and have some important reminder scheduled.
Possibilities to schedule resubmittal are quite flexible (1 hour, 2 hours, …, 1 days, 2 days, …, user defined). Though the possible actions (flag, remind, flag and flag again) are rather limited, and it would be desirable to have the possibility to move, copy among folders and the like.
Another question is how this will work with TB on different machines. Is a reminder tag added to the message header, and my TB instance at home will react on reminders applied in the office?
Finally, I have to note a little instability when using it for the first time on TB38 (not reproducible). The first reminder went awry, when it popped up the window. I clicked on "Dismiss", reminds again, "Dismiss all", reminds again, "Dismiss", remind, "Dismiss all" really!, remind, … Kill Thunderbird.

هذا التعليق كان على إصدارة سابقة من هذه الإضافة ( 

Forecastfox Weather

مقيمة بـ 1 من 5 نجوم

The latest versions (> 2.2.2, for FF>27) are not available from mozilla any more. Instead a new version can be downloaded from the AccuWeather website. But it is much more instrusive than before. This looks like the typical "I give it for free and let you pay later, once you got used to it" attempt to a user's freedom of choice. The new version is not a widget, but a complete bar, from which search function and other unwanted features cannot be disabled separately. Take one - take all. Too many modal windows for configuration overlay even my other browser tabs.
I understand that everybody needs to earn his life and make money after all. But this attempt to break into the users' favourite browser is unacceptable in my mind, similar to the long criticised all-IE and all-MS attempt of MS, which was finally judged to be illegal. Difficult to say that a free app abuses its monopoly status, but it is something like that.
A clear no-go for me, if it will not be improved to be more customisable (i.e. I can decide which parts of the widgets I see).

Edit: Crashed FF when trying to customise other toolbars. It does not fit the add-on customising schema of Mozilla any more, which explains, why it is not validated. Does not allow to switch from Fahrenheit to Celsius. Uninstalled. What a pity. It used to be the first add-on I installed on every new environment. Were the 2.x versions open source and can we adapt them to FF29?